Monday, September 21, 2015

GeneralGeneral Science History
In 1844, the first U.S. patent was issued for a printing press with different colors of ink applied in one impression (No. 3,744). The inventor, Thomas F. Adams of Philadelphia, Pa., called it "polychrome printing." The process used several ink fountains feeding different color rollers which operated in parallel on the same axle, to produce stripes of different colors to ink corresponding lines of type.

In 1884, cocaine was first used as a local anaesthetic to immobilize a patient's eye for eye surgery by Carl Koller. His success initiated the modern era of local anesthesia, with cocaine also quickly adopted for nose and throat surgery and for dentistry. For Koller, a Czech-born American ophthalmologist, the clue for this use was when he noticed that cocaine had a numbing effect on the tongue. He made many experiments on animals before introducing its use on humans. Cocaine was isolated in 1859 and was synthesized in 1885. It was later found with high doses or repeated use, it caused erosion of the corneal epithelium in high doses and it was replaced by less toxic, synthetic local anesthetics such as tetracaine and proparacaine.

In 1885, a U.S. patent was issued for saccharine, the artificial sweetener discover by Constantin Fahlberg (No. 326,281). He had alreaday patented the substance "benzoic sulfinide" which he had found to be exceptionally sweet tasting (No. 319,082, 2 Jun 1885). In his new patent, his invention was to mix a small quantity of this compound with a large amount of grape or starch sugar, which he then called "dextro-saccharine." In this form, the mixture had, he claimed, "the sweetening property of cane sugar, or saccharose, so as to be successfully used in the preparation of candies, preserves, cordials, &c." He described mixing 2-lb of the chemical compound with 1-ton of grape sugar, by solution and evaporation. Taking advantage of the lower cost of grape sugar, this was cheaper than cane-sugar.

In 1898, in a paper dated 1 Sep, Ernest Rutherford coined the terms alpha and beta "for two distinct types of radiation,.one that is very readily absorbed, which will be termed for convenience the α radiation, and the other of a more penetrative character, which will be termed the β radiation." His paper, Uranium Radiation and the Electrical Conduction Produced by It, gave tables of the amount of radiation that passed through successive layers of metal leaf (or aluminium foil). He measured it using the rate at which charge leaked off a zinc plate due to the ionizing influence of the uranium radiation that reached it, as detected by the needle of an electrometer connected to it. He also compared the radiation emitted by different uranium compounds; and transparency to the radiation of different filter substances.
EarthEarth Science
In 1854, the first observation made in North America of a previously unknown asteroid was recorded by Scottish-born American James Ferguson of the U.S. Naval Observatory. This was the thirty-first of the series and is now known as 31 Euphrosyne, named after one of the Charites in Greek mythology. It is one of the largest of the main belt asteroids, between Mars and Jupiter. Ferguson subsequently discovered two more asteroids: 50 Virginia (4 Oct 1857) and 60 Echo (14 Sep 1860). Within the next two decades, more asteroids were discovered by American astronomers: one by Searle, two by Tuttle (1861-62), 16 by Watson (1863-74), and 22 by Peters (1861-1875), making a total of 44 discovered in a period of about 20 years.


The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them. - Albert Einstein