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I hope that you enjoy the information contained in this Science Newsletter. Share the interesting science facts with your students and encourage them to discover more about the world in which they live.
January Featured Products
Motic BA210H S2 Tablet Bundle
Motic brings your microscopes world to life by coupling its best selling microscopes with its Android-based WiFi tablets giving a new dimension in interconnectivity to students, educators, or any other microscope user. The WiFi enabled Moticam tablets allow you to stream live micro-images to any other WiFi enabled device making it easy to share any microscope experience with those connected to you. More Info.
Ohaus Pioneer Analytical Balance
Pioneer® Analytical The Economical Choice for Everyday Weighing! The OHAUS Pioneer Series of analytical balances are designed for basic routine weighing in a variety of laboratory, industrial and education applications. With the right combination of performance and features, the OHAUS Pioneer offers uncomplicated performance for all your basic weighing needs. Pioneer's draftshield is constructed of all glass panels and three sliding doors, which are easy to remove for cleaning or storage. The up-front level indicator is located right next to the display and allows the user to quickly make sure the balance is level prior to each use. Pioneer is designed with selectable environmental settings and three filter modes in order to ensure accurate operation in a variety of settings. More Info.
Oil Immersion Microscope

This Walter 4008 Oil Immersion Microscope delivers quality results and uses bright white light for maximum resolution. An oil immersion microscope at a great price. It is excellent for educational applications. Suitable for Grade 11 to college. Limited 5 year warranty. More Info.
General Science History
In 2000, Greenwich Electronic Time - known as GeT - was initiated in Britain to act as an international standard for all electronic commerce. All e-mail messages and e-commerce transactions already carry a "time stamp" based on Co-ordinated Universal Time - the modern equivalent of GMT. Most computer clocks have software which converts e-mail and message dates into local time. The move will provide a single time standard for worldwide Internet traders and users around the world in the same way that Greenwich Mean Time has helped travellers to keep time since 1884.
In 1937, at the physiological research facility at Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, outfitting was completed, and it was ready to undertake its first work. It was the first of its kind in America. The U.S. Air Corps now had a laboratory to improve health and safety for pilots. The first effort was a series of animal experiments to gather baseline physiological data on hypoxia, and the effects of explosive decompression. The Physiological Research Unit was established 18 May 1935 with Capt. Harry G. Armstrong as the director. Later, here, the first centrifuge in the U.S. allowed scientists to investigate the physiological effects of G-forces on humans. The design of modern pressurized aircraft is a result of work done here. On 10 Feb 1939, the unit was renamed the Aeromedical Research Laboratory.
In 1915, Aspirin was made available for the first time in tablet form. The pills were manufactured by Bayer pharmaceuticals in Germany. The medicine had previously been sold in powder form from 1 May 1899. Salicin, the parent compound of the salicylate drug family had been isolated from willow bark in 1829. From 1875, sodium salicylate was used as a commercial pain reliever, despite side effects such as bleeding of the stomach lining. On 10 Aug 1897, a German chemist, Felix Hoffmann, working at the Bayer company, found a suitable, less acidic medication, acetylsalicylic acid. It was marketed by Bayer under the "Aspirin" trademark. It has since become the biggest selling drug in the world as an analgesic (anti-pain), anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic (fever-reducer).
In 1896, German scientist, Wilhelm Röntgen announced his discovery of X-rays. He sent copies of his manuscript and some of his X-ray photographs to several renowned physicists and friends, including Lord Kelvin in Glasgow and Henri Poincaré in Paris. Four days later, on 5 Jan 1896, Die Presse published the news in a front-page article which described the discovery and suggested new methods of medical diagnoses might be made with this new kind of radiation. One day later, the London Standard cabled the news to other countries around the world about the "a light which for the purpose of photography will penetrate wood, flesh, cloth, and most other organic substances." It printed the first English-language account the next day.
Earth Science
In 1925, a paper by Edwin Hubble described how he had measured that the Andromeda galaxy was at a far greater distance than, and thus not part of, our Milky Way galaxy. That significantly extended the known view of the universe. His paper was read, by H.N. Russell, to a meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Washington, D.C. Hubble had observed Cepheid variable stars in the Milky and Andromeda galaxies. He applied Henrietta Leavitt's discovery that for such stars, pulsation rate and absolute brightness were related in a predictable way. If two such stars have the same pulsation rate, they have the same absolute brightness. If one appears less bright, it is further away. Comparing apparent brightness with absolute brightness (known from the pulsation rate) gives distance measurement.
What nature delivers to us is never stale. Because what nature creates has eternity in it. - Isaac Bashevis Singer
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