All of us at Capital Microscope know that all the teachers and students are looking forward to a wonderful Christmas season. As you, your students, and parents are looking for science related gifts we have some great value suggestions on our website. Click on Holiday Gift Ideas to find some great gift suggestions at a great value.
Whether it is balances, safety equipment, microscopes, or instructional materials you can be assured that we have the latest products at the best price with the personal support to help you find exactly what you need to continue bringing the excitement of science to your students. You can find all our products with details at our Capital Microscope Website. If you have a particular item in mind and would like to find what we have to offer, use our "search:" box at the top of the home page. This will guide you to our many products. And I am always available by email or phone when you need advice on the best fit for you science laboratory needs.
We service all brands and types of microscopes at a cost that can fit within your budget. Don't let a poorly operating microscope spoil the experience of your students. Call me now to arrange a visit to you school to take care of your microscopes. Click here for complete information concerning our service. Contact me by email to get your school on our service calendar. We also can adjust, calibrate, zero, and clean mechanical balances. This will help those weighing labs go much smoother for you students.
Here is a quote that reflects the spirit of the holiday season. I hope you and your students enjoy it.
A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge - Thomas Carlyle
very helpful and resourceful post and i would like to add this.